
Over the past three decades MSS has been working on a new model of personality derived from Sri Aurobindo’s view of human development. The model takes into account both superficial and deeper layers of behavior, character, culture and individuality as well as differences in individual capacity for accomplishment. Case studies include application of the model to characters in Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice and other literary works.

For an overview of MSS projects in this field, please see Projects on Psychology

Theory of Personality | Growth of Personality | Mind Definitions | 
Case Studies | Personality Profiling | Individuality & Individuation

Theory of Personality

Growth of Personality


  • Rationality, Science & the Human Mind, By Garry Jacobs, Presented to World Academy of Art & Science General Assembly, at the Workshop on Limits to Rationality, Hyderabad, October 19, 2008
  • Decision Making, May 28, 2007
  • Brief history of mind, This article was originally published in | Consecration Magazine, Vol.3, Issue 2, May-June 2006, pg.9, Emergence of the Spiritual Individual Part 3


Case Studies

Personality Profiling

Individuality & Individuation