November 6-8, 2017
Post-Graduate Certificate Course at Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Mind is humanity’s highest developed instrument for seeking knowledge. It is the master tool that we use to comprehend the present, remember the past, and anticipate and plan for the future. From the act of striking two flints together to create fire to combining strings of 1s and 0s to design the code for supercomputers, mind has enabled humanity to create remarkable technologies and organized global institutions. The mind is the unifying foundation on which humanity’s entire social evolution is based. To understand this vital instrument better, the World Academy of Art & Science and World University Consortium have launched a ground-breaking project to explore Mind, Thinking and Creativity. A greater understanding of the nature of mind, its ways of knowing, the limits to thinking and rationality, mind’s untapped potential, the workings of creativity and genius are essential for addressing the challenges confronting humanity today.
In April 2016 WAAS and WUC, along with partnering organizations IACP, IUC, DHUC, and MSS organized a four-day roundtable on Mind, Thinking and Creativity 2016 at Dubrovnik, Croatia for to explore fundamental questions. The meeting was attended by experts from different fields of natural and social science, including medicine, neuroscience, engineering, psychology, sociology, economics, law, and philosophy. Video recordings, presentations and papers for the roundtable are available here.
The enthusiastic interest generated by the Dubrovnik meeting spurred efforts of WAAS and the World University Consortium to commence work on a on-line course on this subject which is now underway. A report on last year’s meeting including videos and presentations was included in the Academy’s July 2016 newsletter.
Roundtable 2 — November 2017 at Dubrovnik
The second roundtable on Mind, Thinking & Creativity is being conducted by the World University Consortium, the World Academy of Art & Science, the Mother’s Service Society, Person-Centered Approach Institute, Dag Hammarskjöld University College of International Relations and Diplomacy and the Inter-University Centre from November 6-8, 2017 at Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
The program is an endeavour to rediscover the marvellous capacities of mind as humanity has originally discovered, developed and applied them. It aims to broaden the range and enhance the quality of our thinking by making conscious the implicit assumptions and barriers that confine it within narrow boundaries and the characteristic types of errors and omissions they give rise to.
The meeting will examine and evaluate the nature of mental processes, the capacity of mental faculties and characteristics, errors and limitations in the way they are utilized. The objective is for participants to understand the way mind works and ways it can work more effectively and creatively to see greater possibilities and actualize them. Concise case studies from different fields will be presented and discussed in order to develop insights and draw conclusions on the characteristics and limitations of mind. The meeting will explore ways to promote integrated forms of thinking that will foster original thinking, creativity and intuitive ways of knowing.
As before the proceedings will be recorded and broadcast live on-line as well as hosted on our websites for free access later.
For more information, please contact
Roundtable Guidelines
- The purpose of the presentations is to generate discussion. Presentations should be concise, suggestive and thought-provoking rather than explanatory or argumentative.
- The first 20 minutes and last 10 minutes of each session will be reserved for presentations and comments by the presenters. Each speaker will have 15 minutes for presentation. Each panelist will have 5 minutes to comment, supplement or raise questions.
- Presenters are requested to send a PowerPoint or text summary of their presentation to
- The purpose of the presentations is to provide raw material for the discussants to examine and evaluate in order to develop insights and draw conclusions regarding the nature of mental processes, the capacity of mental faculties and characteristics, errors and limitations in the way they are utilized.
- Presenters are requested to withhold their own observations and conclusions until the end of each session after the discussants have had an opportunity to consider the material.
- The subject of each session is how the mind works to arrive at knowledge or error. The topic is only an occasion. Therefore, presenters should strive to provide examples of characteristics premises and conclusions and the logic on which they are based, rather than on the specific details of each topic.
- Discussants are requested to confine their comments to three minutes each, so that all participants have an opportunity to speak at least once in each session.
- Discussants are requested to focus their comments and questions on mind, thinking and creativity rather than on the topics under discussion.
- Each comment should seek to clarify, supplement or complement those that precede it, rather than to agree or disagree with what has already been said.
Note on Certification
Certificates of Completion will be issued by Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik for students attending the course. Certificates of Participation will be issued by World Academy of Art & Science. Additionally, 5 ECTS credits will be issued by Dag Hammarskjöld University College of International Relations and Diplomacy, Zagreb, Croatia (DHUC) for students who submit an obligatory essay (10-20 pages) and pay 100 euros. The essay will be approved by Prof. Goran Bandov, Associate Professor and Vice Dean of DHU. Please write to, if you would want to earn the ECTS.